Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Filter Role in Maintaining HVAC Performance

Many homeowners with central heat are unaware that they even need a filter for their HVAC system. The filter cleans the air for two primary reasons: to keep you healthy, and to keep your heating and air conditioning equipment healthy.

For your central air system to work properly, air should easily circulate through the ducts, vents and evaporator coils. All of these parts can become clogged by dirt and other foreign particulate matter. Clogged air works means the compressor and blower have to work harder to push air through the system. They will heat up and eventually work at high energy, sub-optimal cooling modes, then fail. Dust inside the evaporator clings to the moist coils and stops the heat transfer between he air and coil coolant. You can get a recommendation for a good quality HVAC filter from your local Denver air conditioning service company. A poor quality filter will not strain out enough particulate matter to be effective.

These quality air filters also make a big difference on the quality of air you breath in your home. Your filter should stop pollen, dirt, harmful chemicals and allergens from being circulated though your home's Denver HVAC system. Along with the traditional physical filters you can also get electronic air cleaners and electrostatic filters. These offer much more filtering ability and do not need to be regularly replaced.

The electric charge on an electrostatic filter pulls dust to it out of the air. The dust is attracted from a distance, instead of having to get caught up in a tangle of webbing like a traditional filter. A HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter is the Denver heating professional's choice when it comes to air filtration. These filters are certified by the Department of Energy as being very effective at removing small airborne particles.

The first filters were created for work on the atomic bomb to stop the spread of radioactive particles. HEPA filters are well used in hospitals and research labs, these filters will stop most airborne viruses, mold and bacteria. Hospital filters may include a ultraviolet light to kill all organisms in the air. Airlines used to be a prime location for the transmission of disease untill HEPA filters were installed. Now airline cabins have lower dangerous organism rates than the average home. Residential HEPA filters are also available and you HVAC company would be happy to help you install one.

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